Monday, March 21, 2011

Purim in Jerusalem

Today is Shusan Purim, Purim celebrated in Jerusalem. The rest of the Jewish world had their Purim feast yesterday. This is from the book of Esther where walled cities in Biblical times had Purim a day later.
Last night and this morning we heard the reading of Megillat Esther. Today we give “mishloa manot”, gifts to friends, and tzedaka to the poor. I just heard from my Yeshiva Rabbi, R. A. Weiss a beautiful lesson on giving tzedaka on Purim. Usually when assisting poor or giving money to a beggar who stretches out his hand, we have the right to question his sincerity and even ask for references. But not so on Purim, said Rabbi Weiss. On Purim we are obligated to give to anyone who extends his hand to get a coin or two without any questions whatsoever.  In a similar manner we should take the opportunity to cry out to Hashem on Purim, because if we are not allowed to question, He Himself does not question our motives or our sincerity. Our Father in Heaven obligates Himself to give and answer our prayers willingly and gladly on this very holy day. A day about which it is said in the book of Esther, that “Purim should never cease among the Jews.”
May the Joy and happiness of Purim always be with us.


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